For fee waiver in nits from general quota do we need yo show income certificate ?? If we dont have then how can we get the fee waivera??
Answer (1)
Hi rock,
Yes it is mandatory for a general category student to show the family income certificate with a stamp of tehsildar on it as it is being verified for sure .
This verfication is done during your josaa admission round when you had finally selected your college and then now you are about to verify all your certificates to them .
There is no other way a general student can get fee waiver in nits .as there are no scholarship test during class hours for the deserved candidates .
Hope it helps !!!
Yes it is mandatory for a general category student to show the family income certificate with a stamp of tehsildar on it as it is being verified for sure .
This verfication is done during your josaa admission round when you had finally selected your college and then now you are about to verify all your certificates to them .
There is no other way a general student can get fee waiver in nits .as there are no scholarship test during class hours for the deserved candidates .
Hope it helps !!!
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