for civil will it be helpful for female person in constructionand project management (civil)
Definitely challenging but nothing like it. My kind suggestion to you or any one planning their career is Plan it according to your abilities and your interests, dont kill them cause of the challenges you have to face. Being a civil engineer, working on site irrespective of the time and condition, I strongly suggest if thats your interest go ahead opportunities are great, let your passion live.
Even Though Girls Can Shine in Any Branch They Want, Following Are The Branches Relatively Easier To Work.
Structural Engineering: After M Tech, Chances are That You Will Get A Job of Analysing and Designing The Structures While Sipping Coffee Seating in Your Office. There May be Field Visit Once in A while But Not Frequently.
Construction Technology and Management: Although this Branch Also Involves Extensive Site Visits, As A Girl, The Company Will Prefer That You Work on Preparing Estimates, Billing, Quoting Tenders Etc.
Transportation Engineering [For Teaching]: If You are Interested in Teaching, Better Opt for Transportation Engineering Because, M Tech in Transporation Engineering is New in India. You Won’t Find May Colleges That Offer M Tech in Transportation [Most of IITs And NITs Offer This Course, But It is Not So Common in Private Colleges or Even Government Colleges.]. So, Once You Finish You PG And Apply For Lecturship, There Won’t Be Many Candidates With M Tech in Transportation To Compete You.