from where to get mock test in career 360 for ba.llb Clat and Ailets and
Deep so there are various sites from where you can get mock test but they will be limited . You can get last year papers but they would not be enough for you to prepare for CLAT exam or any Law related entrance exam so I would suggest that you should you should enrol for mock test conducted by various CLAT based coaching centres in your town. There are various coaching centre which provide 60 mock tests is just Rs. 1000 or a little more than that .
We do not have a complied mock test sheet of entrance exam but at this point I would advise you as a NLU student myself that during the time of my preparation I use to search for test papers but they are limited in number and for a continuous practice in last few months you need a load of question paper patterns.
My second advise at this point would be that even if you do not want to go for mock tests then search for various question patterns for every section separately . Like for logical reasoning buy MK Pandey or any other book , subscribe to various You Tube concept based channels for a better understanding of topic. For Gk portion read newspapers, get monthly edition of Competition In Focus magazines or any other reading material you might prefer. Buy books containing previous year question of various Law based entrance exam because you will not get every year paper on internet, there are only selective question papers which you wil find on every site. For Quantitative section you can refer to RD and RS Sharma of 9 th and 10 th standard, For english section you should read editorials and mark down difficult words, find their meaning and antonyms.
I know that you wanted mock test from our portal but we do not provide those services, but we do give advises for the matter to be solved as far as possible. I would have cited other sites but as I have already mentioned taking my experience into consideration that there are only few question papers/mock test circulating on Internet so better register for any one or two CLAT based coaching mock test series which will provide you good amount as well as quality of questions. CLAT exam or other law based entrance exams are one and half month away so this will be the best time to revise.
I hope this article helped you in certain way to figure out which way to lead even after that you have any kind of difficulty regarding this topic or if you want to know the coaching classes names ; which one is better; books which you should refer to for revision etc. do drop a comment or post another question and I will surely help you out.

Here are the links for you to download sample papers for all the three entrance exams for Law that you've mentioned.
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