gate 2018 was easy or tough than gate 2017
I have given Aerospace engineering paper of GATE 2018. This year IIT Guwahati managed all task related to GOAPS.
In 2017, IIT Roorkee did all management related things. Most of people think that as IIT change paper difficulty change, but this is not true. Paper extracted by subject experts and they were always same from Various IITs.
When I solved 2017 Gate, It was very difficult in mathematics portion but aptitude was easy enough to make score.
Some other subjects like propuslion and aircraft structure questions was tricky enough.
But compare to 2017, 2018 gate paper has less difficulty level. Aptitude is quite lengthy but solvable.
Easy mathematics..most of questions from vector calculus.
Even paper has only 3-4 question of aircraft structure, when GATE 2017 had around 12-14 questions.
This year most of weightage given to flight mechanics which is quite easy to Understand.
So overall paper was easy and tricky so paper cutoff is also high.
There were good amount of standard questions from Control system and Analog Circuits. DEC was unexpected and relatively more questions from optical instrumentation . Communication system which carried major marks last year was reduced to 1 mark this year .
Sensors and transducers were a mixture of concepts and Signals and systems more on the cards. Network Theory was a bit up and down type
I am an average student and the view May differ from a topper .
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