Gate 2022 best reference books
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Here is a list of some of the best books for GATE 2022 preparation.
CSE (computer science engineering)
1. Architecture by Hamacher
2. Algorithm by cormen
3. Operating system by Galvin
4. Theory of computation by Ullman
For ECE:
1. Electronic device circuits bye millman and halkias (Black pad)
2. Integrated Electronics by millman and halkias
3. Switching and finite automata theory by Kohavi
4. Microprocessor and its applications by Goankar
5. Modern control systems by ogata
For agricultural engineering:
1. Concept of agricultural Engineering by Mohanty das
2. Farm machinery by three authors
3. Soil and water conservation by VVN Murty
For chemical engineering:
1. An insight into chemical engineering by M Subbu
2. Chemical engineering for GATE principal solved problems and objective type questions by Ramprasad
3. Essentials of chemical reaction engineering by fogler
4. Heat transfer by JP holman
5. Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics by JM Smith
6. Principles of mass transfer and separation process by BK Dutta
7. Unit operations of chemical Engineering by McCave-FPM and MO
For civil engineering:
1. Environment 1 and 2 by SK Garg
2. Fluid mechanics by RK Bansal
3. Highway Engineering by Khanna and justo
4. Open channel flow and engineering hydrology by K Subramanya
5. RCC by Pillai and Menon
6. Soil mechanics and foundation Engineering by Gopal and Ranjan
7. Steel by bhavikatti
For electrical engineering:
1. Electrical machines by nagrath, kothari
2. Fundamentals of circuits by Alexander and sadiku
3. Power Electronics by PS bimbhra
For geology and geophysics:
1. Complete master guide GATE by Amresh Singh
2. Geophysics by Telford
For mechanical engineering:
1. Fluid mechanics by RK Bansal (numerical point of view), Frank M white ( for understanding)
2. Heat transfer by cengel (for understanding concept)
3. Production Engineering by Swadesh Singh
4. Thermodynamics by pk nag
5. Theory of machine by SS Ratan
For production and industrial (PI)
1. Fluid mechanics and machinery by Modi and Seth
2. Heat transfer by made easy class notes
3. IC engine by Mathur Sharma
4. Material science by made easy class notes and Swadesh Singh
5. Machine design by VB Bhandari
6. Production by SK Mondal notes and Swadesh Singh
7. Refrigeration by made easy class notes
8. Strength of materials by Sadhu Singh
9. Thermodynamics by pk nag
10. Theory of machines by SS rattan
For more relevant information, you may visit here:
Hope this helps, all the best.
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