Hai.I have scored 52 in Tancet MBA 2018. I belong to BC category. List me the colleges that I would get?Are those worthful colleges?
Hi Janu,
Based on your TANCET score (52) and category (BC) you can try for the following colleges:
Velammal Engineering College, Chennai
Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai
University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai
Vivekananda Institute of Management Studies (Stand Alone), Coimbatore District
Sona College of Technology (Autonomous), Salem
All the colleges listed are reputed colleges. But if you want to further check or clarify or even compare them, you can try using the College Compare tool .
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Cutoff for tancet mba(bc category)2018
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