hello my ignou MHD grade card show assignment 4 and TE practical do not apply to all the course it mean what pl help me
When your IGNOU MHD (Master of Arts in Hindi) grade card shows that "Assignment 4" and "TE Practical" do not apply to all the courses, it means the following:
Assignment 4 Not Applicable :
- Some courses in your program may not require a fourth assignment. IGNOU often structures its courses with varying numbers of assignments depending on the course requirements. If "Assignment 4" is marked as not applicable, it means that particular course does not have a fourth assignment that you need to complete.
TE Practical Not Applicable :
- The "TE" stands for "Term-End Practical." Some courses, especially theoretical ones, do not have a practical component. If it shows as not applicable, it indicates that the course does not include any practical exams or assessments, so you are not required to take any practicals for that course.
In essence, these notations indicate that those specific components (Assignment 4 and TE Practical) are not part of the evaluation criteria for those courses in your MHD program.
Hope it helps you!