Hello....I am 2nd Year MA English Student......i have submitted my 2nd year Assignment on Last May itself but not yet showing any status in the website...How i would be able to Know about it......and is there any possibility to shift the mode of exam to Online since the Pandemic continues.......
Answer (1)
Firstly if you have submitted your assignments for MEG then the status will get updated due time, it's just that the process isn't a swift one considering such large number of students who enrolled in the university, you can check the status at https://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/statusassignment.ASP , next IGNOU hasn't yet notified of TEE to be conducted in online mode yet, date sheet is released and exam is to commence from 3rd August onwards, if at all any such step is taken you will get notified if you stay updated at ignou.ac.in.
Firstly if you have submitted your assignments for MEG then the status will get updated due time, it's just that the process isn't a swift one considering such large number of students who enrolled in the university, you can check the status at https://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/statusassignment.ASP , next IGNOU hasn't yet notified of TEE to be conducted in online mode yet, date sheet is released and exam is to commence from 3rd August onwards, if at all any such step is taken you will get notified if you stay updated at ignou.ac.in.
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