hi I got seat in both 1st and 2nd phase of ts eamcet counselling but I'm not satisfied with both of them can I go for final phase of counselling or not
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Yes, you can participate in the final phase of TS EAMCET counseling even if you received seats in both the 1st and 2nd phases but are not satisfied with them. Candidates who were allotted seats in previous phases but did not join the institutions can still register for the final phase. The final phase counseling will begin on August 8, 2024, with certificate verification on August 9, and choice filling from August 9 to 10, 2024 .
Hello student
Congratulations on getting seats in both phases of TS EAMCET counseling!
According to the TS EAMCET counseling rules, if you've already participated in the first and second phases of counseling and haven't withdrawn from the process, you're still eligible to participate in the final phase of counseling.
However, keep the following points in mind:
1. _Seat Allotment_: If you've already been allotted a seat in the first or second phase, it will be canceled if you participate in the final phase and get a new seat allotment.
2. _New Options_: In the final phase, you can only opt for colleges and courses that were not available or not opted for in the previous phases.
3. _No Upgradation_: If you get a seat in the final phase, it will not be upgraded further.
To participate in the final phase, you need to:
1. _Log in_ to your TS EAMCET counseling account.
2. _Exercise Options_ for the final phase.
3. _Save and Lock_ your options.
Remember to carefully consider your options and choices before participating in the final phase, as it may affect your previously allotted seat.
If you're unsure, you can also contact the TS EAMCET counseling helpdesk or seek guidance from a counselor.
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