Hi, My rank is 380. Can I get the FFDI noida? Is there any transparency in counselling or I have to file RTI for it?
Hi Zafar,
I believe that you are talking about FDDI Noida – Footwear Design & Development Institute and your rank in AIST exam is 380. The counselling for final admissions is still going on and will continue until June 17. The second round of counselling will be held from July 16 to July 19. The institute offers a total of 405 seats across all its campuses for MBA program. For M. Design, it offers 300 seats in total and 30 seats for M. Design (CAD). You might get a seat in the second round of counselling.
Kindly check the schedule and seat matrix here to get a clear picture.
FDDI Seats & Counselling Schedule
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Hope that’s helpful.