Hi,I have heard that in IAS Exam.. there are optional subjects and compulsory subjects.What are those two exactly?Can you categorize them?
Hello Vihaa, compulsory subjects - History, Geography, polity, Environment, Science & tech., Current affairs, Decision making, Economy, international affairs.
Prelims (objective) - Paper 1 (200 marks) and paper 2 (200 marks)
Main s (subjective) - Total 7 paper. Paper 1 (300 marks), Paper 2 to 7 (250 marks)
Interview - 275 marks
Anyonee Optional subject that can be taken
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
(iii) Anthropology
(iv) Botany
(v) Chemistry
(vi) Civil Engineering
(vii) Commerce and Accountancy
(viii) Economics
(ix) Electrical Engineering
(x) Geography
(xi) Geology
(xii) History
(xiii) Law
(xiv) Management
(xv) Mathematics
(xvi) Mechanical Engineering
(xvii) Medical Science
(xviii) Philosophy
(xix) Physics
(xx) Political Science and International Relations
(xxi) Psychology
(xxii) Public Administration
(xxiii) Sociology
(xxiv) Statistics
(xxv) Zoology
All the best... Be free to ask for further query
Hope you are well.
Yes you have heard right.
Now there are7 + 2 = 9papers to be answered in the main examination. All of them are of descriptive type. There are two qualifying papers 1) any modern Indian language of300 marks2) English of300 marks.
Thereafter are "FOUR" General Studies paper each comprising of250 Markswith a total of1000 Marksare made compulsory. The scope of the syllabus of General Studies papers are of degree level.
There is only"ONE"optional subject to choose from the list of subjects. It comprises of two papers each of300 marks.So the optional paper has total600 marks. There is a list of options for optional paper that candidate can choose according to their knowledge and field of interest.
Hope this helps.
Good luck
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