How can I get 140+ in NEET chemistry?
hello aspirant,
- the easy key to get 140+ in neet chemistry is the NCERT books of both 11th and 12th grades
- most of the questions in neet is based on the NCERT content espically for inorganic chemistry emphasize more on the NCERT textbook.
- for physical chemistry i would suggest that you should be thorough with the formulas and for that purpose you could note down all the formulas of each particular topic and revise it on a daily basis so that those formulas are on your fingertips.
- for organic chemistry you should be thorough with the mechanisms of the reactions and your general organic chemistry( GOC) should be strong as that builds your basis for your entire organic chemistry. moreover if you maintain a seperate booklet of all the named reactions which are mentioned in your ncert textbooks , it would give an extra edge to your chemistry preparation.
hope these tips helps you
I hope you are doing well:
Chemistry is the one subject which is liked by majority of medical aspirants after biology. To be one of the top rankers one should master at least one subject either chemistry or physics to the fullest. Even if you are average in the third subject, you can still pile up a huge score.
So, here is the preparation strategy for chemistry-
- Read NCERT- I recommend to atleast skim through the chapter if you are not able to read it fully. Solve the back exercises of these chapters atleast 3 times during the course of your preparation.
- Have a strong grasp over concepts
- Solve Questions-Your bonding with chapters such as States of matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics will strengthen only when you solve lots of questions from them.
- Books recommended- NCERT, Coaching notes/modules, any 1 reference book (Pradeep or ABC) for questions will suffice.
- Here NCERT wins the race.Hands down.You should read it as many times as possible especially the p-block chapter of class 12th.There are around 4–6 questions from this chapter in the main exam.
- Learn the reactions of NCERT along with balancing- You may think that you will balance the reaction then and there, but considering the pressure during the exam it will be beneficial(saves time) if you are ready beforehand.
- Give special emphasis to Co-ordination chemistry.This chapter alone usually comprises 3 to 5 questions.
- Here also i highly recommend NCERT and its exercises.
- Write all the name reactions in a separate page and revise it regularly.
- Be thorough with the mechanisms of the reactions.
- Don’t forget to learn the chapters named polymers and chemistry in everyday life. These will easily gain you marks.
- Books recommended:- NCERT, coaching modules/notes, Bhakta and Ghoshfor questions, OP Tandon. Any good teacher’s notes will be highly beneficial for organic especially for mechanisms.
Do lots of previous year questions of various exams to get a better view of types of questions which come.
Hope this will be helpful...
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