how can i prepare for CAT entrance .Suggest any books , schedule ,syallabus
Hi aspirants
Stick to the syllabus. Practice many mock test series.
The syllabus are
- Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)-
- Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
- Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
For General 40 Minutes for each section and For PwD 53 Minutes 20 Seconds for each section. The marking stream
Three marks for the correct answer will be awarded
One mark will be deducted for an incorrect answer
Best books for CAT preparation
For verbal readiing
- The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VARC) by Nishit Sinha
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- How to Prepare for the VARC for the CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay (Tata McGraw-Hill)
For Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
- Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency by Ananta Ashisha
- How to Prepare for DILR for CAT (Tata McGraw-Hill) by Arun Sharma
- Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K. Sinha
For Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
- QA for CAT and Other MBA Entrance Exams by Trishna Knowledge Systems (Pearson)
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by EAbhijit Guha (Tata McGraw-Hill)
For more information click the link
Hope this Helps
Good Luck!
CAT 2021 notification announcement:- 1st Week of August 2021
CAT 2021 Registration date starts from:- 1st Week of August 2021
Last Date to submit the application form :-Last Week of September 2021
CAT application form correction facility :- 4th Week of september 2021
CAT Mock Test 2021- 1st week of November 2021
Admit Card release :-October last week 2021
Exam Date CAT 2021:- 28th November 2021 (Sunday)
CAT Result 2021 :-Second Week of December 2021
For dates refer :-
To start your cat preparation, first of all go through its syllabus at
Here's a brief of your CAT 2021 Question paper pattern
IIMs officially don't release cat examination pattern, expected CAT 2021 pattern is provided below:-
-)CAT 2021 will be of 2 hour duration
-)it is conducted in computer-based mode.
-)In cat 2021 , there will be a total of 76 questions - 54 mcqs and 22 non - mcqs
-)The complete paper will be divided into three major sections, which are listed below along with number of questions they have:-
QA i. e quantitative Ability :- it will have 26 questions in total (18 mcqs and 8 non - mcqs)
DILR i. e data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning : - it will have 24 questions (18 mcqs and 6 non - mcqs)
VARC i. e Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension :- it will have 26 questions( 18 mcqs and 8 non - mcqs)
-)There's 40 minutes for each section .
Marking scheme:-
3 marks is awarded for every correct answer
-1 marks for every wrong answer in case of mcqs
no marks deduction is there for wrong answers in case of wrong non -mcqs .
For detailed CAT examination patttern visit :-
Top books which you can follow for CAT are listed below section wise :-
-)How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma:-
it is the best book for your Aptitude for your cat examination .
it covers all the topics according to your cat syllabus.
it has elaborative examples so that it's easy for you to understand them .
questions are divided into 3 levels of difficulty
-)Logical reasoning and data interpretation for cat by K. Sinha Nishit:-
the best thing about this book is it starts with your fundamental and basics and then goes to advanced level too, you get each topics with explained examples.
it has questions divided into three difficulty levels, so that you can start from basic and move ahead step by step
-) how to prepare for data Interpretation for cat by arun sharma :-
it has strategies and concepts which you need to solve questions accurately and quickly.
it has exercises which are designed in a manner to help you boost your logical thinking etc.
-) word power made easy by norman lewis:-
it is one of the best books that you can get for improving your vocabulary .
it helps you in learning correct usage of words etc.
at the end of each chapter you get review exercises
-) mastering the verbal ability for cat by ajay singh:-
it has more than around 200 passages for your practice .
it also contains test papers of other B-School as well, etc.
-) How to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension for the cat by arun sharma and meenakshi upadhyay:-
it is written in a very lucid manner.
it has past year question papers analysis .
you get topicwise segregation in this book along with mock papers for your practice.
For detailed information go through our page the link for the same is provided below
Also follow the below tips :-
*Make a routine and religiously follow it as it will help you to utilise the time in the best possible way and avoid procrastination and laziness .
*Keep short breaks of 20 to 25 minutes after every 1.5 to 2 hours between your studies in your routine .Half of the time of your studies must be for practicing questions
* Plan your studies, and set daily, weekly and monthly goals and meet them without any fail.
*Solve previous year question papers of CAT :-it will let you know the examination pattern, type and difficulty level of questions, also concepts behind the question often gets repeated, so you should definitely solve year papers . You can get cat previous year question papers at
*Once you are done with complete CAT syllabus then go through CAT mock test papers , it will let you know your preparation level and and weak areas so that you can work on them and perform well in your examination
For detailed information go through
Thank you
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