How can i prepare for MHT CET?
Hey, to prepare only for mhtcet is quite simple.
Are you also preparing for joint entrance exam? If yes then the syllabus is quite overlapping. The only difference is that the jee paper is prepared by CBSE and mhtcet is based on the maharashtra state board.
It is basically the syllabus of your 12th, but at a bit more difficult scale and easier than jee. You can prepare the topics specific to mhtcet, barring the ones which are from cbse, from NCERT. Use your 12th text books very thoroughly.
Also solve past papers (as many as possible) to get an idea of what you will be facing.
Hi Siva,
Look all the engineering entrance exams are just a subse of JEE ADVANCED AND MAINS. So if you are already somebody who is preparing hard even,just for MAINS,I think you are completely prepared for MHTCET.But if you are not preparing for JEE,I suggest going through NCERTs properly and well suggested books. Also look through the pattern of the paper once and the weightage of chapters.
Best wishes!
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