how can I prepare for MHT CET 2021. please guide
Dear Aspirant,
Maharashtra Common Entrance Test is conducted by the state common entrance test cell for admissions to engineering and pharmacy courses. MHTCET exam is conducted for two groups PCM AND PCB group. The best way to prepare for MHTCET 2021 exam is by thoroughly studying your 11th and 12th board exams. Revise the board books of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Try to solve maximum number of mock test before appearing for actual MHTCET exam.
Addition to this if you have time you can also refer the MHTCET preparatory books available at the market. Solve all the previous years question paper of MHTCET to get a clearer view of paper pattern.
Hope you got the answer.
Thank you
And are state books enough for 180+ marks.
Dear Aspirant ,
If you are targeting for MHT CET 2021 you still have ample of time for preparation.
You should thoroughly read all your textbooks of std 11th and std 12th.
If you have not join any coaching classes this is the right time. Coaching will help you and guide you for this exams.
I think you should aim for JEE and you will definitely score good in CET because difficulty level of questions is easy compared to that of JEE.
Also, if you dont get any derivation in physics or maths just mug up formulas coz CET is all about formulas being at finger tips and time management.
For more college related queries check the link given below :
Hope this information helps you ,
Hello, hope you are doing well!
Candidates can follow the below given preparation tips to prepare for the MHT common entrance test:
- Know the exam details like its syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, duration etc.
- Go through and solve the sample papers, mock tests and previous year question papers maintaining time.
- Train yourself in the controlling of speed and accuracy.
- Make brief notes and go revise notes daily.
- Do meditation, chantings and yoga for good concentration power. Eat healthy.
MAH CET syllabus, as prescribed by Maharashtra CET includes topics from Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension.
Logical Reasoning : This section has the maximum weightage of 75 marks. The questions range from topics on Series, Input & Output, Directions, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Symbol based Series Completion, Directions, Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Venn Diagrams, Deductions and Coding-Decoding.
- The most effective way to practice Logical Reasoning is practicing 15-20 questions every day.
Abstract Reasoning: This section carries 25 marks and the questions are asked on the same topics as that of Logical Reasoning, but with abstract base.
- The approach to this section should be maximum practice of variety of questions and finding out shortcuts, in that process.
Quantitative Aptitude : This section of MAH CET carries 50 marks and the questions are based on Geometry, Mensuration, Algebra, Numbers, Ratio - Proportion, Percentage, Numbers, SI & CI, Time - Distance, Height & Distance, Indices & Surds, Logarithms, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Time & Work, Profit-Loss, and Data Interpretation - Graphs, Charts, Tables.
- This section seems easy to handle if your basic mathematical concepts are clear but you need to revise and practice everyday. Since, this section is having heavy calculations, the key is to time yourself while practicing mock tests or solving previous year questions.
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension: This section of includes questions on English Grammar, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. This section has 50 marks weightage.
- Read newspaper, magazines, watch English news or movies or listen to English music, talk to people in English. Learn new words everyday in a set target for each day, practice questions from your school's grammar book or buy a basic grammar book and revise from it. Solve comprehension questions in the minimum time possible.
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