how can i prepare for srmjee? which book you suggest for it?
Your preparation of boards surely help you in the preparation for SRMJEE.
Some of the books recommended are;
- Arihant Chemistry
- H.C verma
- R.D sharma
You can take help from the previous year question papers as well.
All the best.
Arihant chemistry
H C Verma
Op Tandon
If you are preparing for the JEE Mains,JEE advanced, and board exams, then then this will be sufficient for your SRM JEE entrance exam.
Also you can practice more number of mock test paper on career 360 for SRM Engineering entrance exam.
All the best. Feel free to ask any query related to your career.
Dear Jagan,
SRMJEE is easy exam if we compare it from other entrance exams of engineering like JEE, VITEEE and BITSAT.
In order to score good marks your concepts in 11th and 12th class should be clear. You can go through NCERT books to build your fundamentals strong.
Refer previous year papers to understand the exam pattern and level of the exam.
Apart, from NCERT you can refer to HC verma for physics, OP Tandon for chemistry and RD Sharma for Mathematics.
You should also solve as many as mock test series for your practice.
Good luck!!

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