How is veltech university for cse branch?
They have nice placement cell with average salary 6-14 lakhs.
The university isNAAC-AandNBA-AAccredited and registered under University Act, 1956 and recognised byUGCandAICTE, India.
They have 5 boys hostel and 1 girls hostel.
It has also newly developedopen theatrefor students to enjoy cultural functions. The lush green Knowledge Parkbesides this theatre is another attraction to look for
Hope it will help...
Good luck

the Veltech college was developing by then of time while I was examining and was attempting to set up its name. Despite the fact that couple of educators in VTU are decent in their showing conveyance and as far as Knowledge. There is a researcher gathering of individuals enlisted by the college who does essentially logical research utilizing the Research Hall of VTU and different labs. They are doing a significant decent work regarding quality logical papers.The college when all is said in done has every one of the offices now required for good investigation and great joint. It has grown all around jested labs, prepared professionals, workshops and outline labs (upheld by Dassault System France, NI, and so forth).
frankly to say it gets well placements as well for CSE branch so i suggest that its good for CSE and IT
all the best:)
The overall aspects are good in veltech.The cse group students have abundant oppurtunities to get palcemants .
The infrastructure of the college is also quite good it has a digital library equipped with many books and all.It has it's oen research lab and also the college is colloborated with many other foreign universities which provides bunch of oppurtunities for students.
Coming to the faculty the cse dep has highest number of professors compared to other branches and many are holding a phd degree.
The college is unique in it's own way and probably a very good choice for cse.
All the best.