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It depends on the exam. If you have applied for SSC CGL then you will have to appear for four Tiers - I, II, III, IV. Based on the marks scored in Tier-I Computer Based Examination, candidates will be shortlisted, category-wise, to appear in Tier-II Examination. The Commission may fix separate cut-offs for Paper-III (i.e. for the post of JSO), PaperIV (i.e. for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer) and for Paper-I and Paper-II (all other posts). Based on the aggregate performance in Tier-I and Tier-II Examinations, candidates will be shortlisted to appear in Tier-III (Descriptive Paper). The candidates who score minimum qualifying marks, as fixed by the Commission, in Tier-III Examination will be eligible to appear in Skill Tests and Document Verification. Based on the aggregate performance in Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III Examinations, candidates will be shortlisted to appear in Document Verification and Skill Tests i.e. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) and Data Entry Skill Test (DEST).Merit list will be prepared on the basis of overall performance of candidates in Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III Examinations.
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There are three levels Tier-1 Written Exam (Objective Multiple choice questions). Tier-2 Written Exam (Objective Multiple choice questions). Consists of three different papers/subjects and depending upon the category of posts applied, the candidates have to appear in two or three papers. Tier-3 INTERVIEW Personality Test/ interview will carry a maximum of 100 marks. Candidates applying for Auditor, Accountant, UDCs, Tax Assistant, and Compiler are not required to appear for an interview. SKILL TEST Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) for post of Assistant in CSS only. This test is of qualifying nature and has components of Word Processing, Spread Sheets and generation of slides.
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