how many mark is given in asgnment and does that mark add up with the exams at ignou m.a political science ?
Answer (1)
As I told you earlier 30% weightage is offered to assignments in IGNOU, total is 100 marks , and now how much you'll get depend totally on how well you have written it and the person checking your copies will be solely responsible for awarding you that particular marks, you'll get the guidelines in assignments question paper which you will be able to access once it's uploaded for your session.
As I told you earlier 30% weightage is offered to assignments in IGNOU, total is 100 marks , and now how much you'll get depend totally on how well you have written it and the person checking your copies will be solely responsible for awarding you that particular marks, you'll get the guidelines in assignments question paper which you will be able to access once it's uploaded for your session.
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