Hope you are doing well!
For MIT Manipal, cutoff rank of MET 2020 round 1 for CSE is 781,for round 3 it is 866 and the closing rank for the year 2019 was 1893.
For Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim Cutoff 2019 for CSE,the closing rank was 41708
For Manipal University, Jaipur Cutoff 2019 cutoff for CSE, the closing rank was 10867
You should score a minimum of 145 and a score of 150+ for MIT Manipal to be on the safer side. In previous years the cutoff for manipal university Jaipur went down to 107 marks and the cutoff marks for sikkim Manipal university was 80+
Applications for Admissions are open.
Cutoff varies every year and you may get an idea about the cutoffs for the year 2022 by the previous year cutoffs.
You can also visit this link for more information:
Hope it helps.
All the best for your future.
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