How much the fees of iim per year and duration of course?
Different IIMs have different fee structures as all are autonomous universities. The duration ranges from 1 year to 3 years. The flagship MBA( earlier PGDM/PGPM) course has 2 year duration.
All the best!
Hello There,
The fees for IIMs depends on the one you join. The old IIM's have a fee structure of nearly 20 lakhs.But some new IIMs even provide the course at 10-12 lakhs.
And the PGDM course is for 2 years.
Hope this helps.
Tanushree Seth
The fees of different IIMs lies between 9 Lakh to 22 Lakh (for two year MBA course).
There are 20 IIMs in India. To know the fee structure of each IIMs, Kindly go through the following link-
All the best.
If you are looking for full-time flagship programme, then IIMs offer a two-year PGP. The newer IIMs have a fee structure on the lower side, while the older (and renowned ones) charge as high as Rs. 22 lakh for the full programme, as in the case of IIM Ahmedabad. Please take a look at the IIM fee and seats in the link below. It enlists all the IIMs with their respective fee and number of seats offered.
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