How should i prepare to get into a good aiims college?? How much should I score ideally for aiims delhi??
hi prateek, the score depends on various factors like your category, reservation, but aim 150 and it would be a safe bet to get in AIIMS,i will tell you how to prepare for it.
Physics and chemistry- physics is considered one of the toughest subject for medical aspirants,but very interesting. choose any good book of your convinience, there are plenty of good books as many mentioned already. read the concepts thoroughly,understand them cover to cover, if you have doubts, clear them then and there. solve atleast 300 to 500 questions per chapter, check ,analyse and rectify your mistakes. solve again. the more you solve the merrier.initially you wont be getting many correct answers, but as you keep on doing am sure you will see your score rising. solve previous question papers too
Biology-aiims doesnt cover most part from ncert like how neet does, in neet around 300 marks are from ncert text book itself, so u need to thorough ncert first and then read any good book of your choice and solve as many questions as you can
General knowledge and current affairs- read newspapers regularly, keep yourself updated always, use year books, they ll help you alot.
hope this helps, ping me if you have any more queries, happy to help, good luck

See instead of the question how much I would have to score you should ask what rank should I score get into aiims because score for any examination is the one that cannot be predict as it totally depends on various aspects of the examination so we can't predict it fully for getting in AIIMS Delhi i would like to tell you that you have to score rank above hundred to get into Aiims Delhi.
First of all, complete your NCERT books as these will make every topic more relatable and easy to understand. Also, these books include fundamental principles and concepts of biology and provide accurate information. Apart from this, you can use below given reference books as well -
Biology - Trueman’s Biology Vol. 1 & 2, Objective Biology by Dinesh, Pradeep Publication’s Biology
Phyics - H C Verma for Physics, Aggarwals’ Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT , Objective Physics for Medical Entrances Examination (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
Chemistry - Modern ABC of Chemistry for Class 11th & 12th (Vol. 1 & 2), Physical Chemi stry by O P Tandon, Arihant Organic Chemistry
General Knowledge - It would be better to read newspaper on daily basis just to get all day to day information and along with this, you can subscribe weekly or monthly current affairs magazine and pay proper attention to science section.
Also, once you are done with your syllabus then you can start with sample and previous year papers as these will let you know all important questions and topics and the difficulty level of the exam as well and after completing them, you should devote your time in online mock test because these tests will play a vital role in your preparation so try to give maximum time there as after doing the same you will learn how to manage time during exam and these will also tell where all you are still lacking and accordingly you can revise the topics.
And if you talk about the cut off then better to get 160+ if your target is AIIMS Delhi.
To check previous year cut off campus and category wise, you can go through the below link-
Good Luck!!!
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