How the attempts are counted in UPSC.
Number of attempts doesn't count if you just fill the UPSC CSE form.
UPSC CSE exam consist of three stages- Preliminary, Mains and Personal Interview.
You need to sit for at least one exam and that would be preliminary to count it as an attempt.
No.of attempt for general- 6 till the age of 32.
No.of attempt for OBC - 9 till the age of 35.
No.of attempt for SC/ST- unlimited till the age of 37.
All the best!
Dear candidate, filling the form and not appearing in exam is not considered as an attempt. However, attempting number of prelims is considered as attempts. If you attempted just one paper of prelims, then also it will be considered as an attempt. Visiting exam hall/ Signing in attendance sheet is considered as attempt. Giving one prelims, mains and interview is equivalent to an attempt or giving just prelims or giving prelims and mains. These all are an attempt. Total six attempts are allowed in UPSC for General category students.
Hope, it helps.