how to become software engineer. i have to do computer engineering to become software engineer or not
If you are interested Networking, Application, hardware and software then you can go for CSE.
After 12th you need to appear for IIT JEE or state level Engineering entrance exam to get admission in top colleges for these branches.
The Eligibility to apply for IIT JEE
You should have minimum 75% in class 12th to get admission in IITs, NITs, IIITs, GFTIs.
The eligibility to apply for state level exams varies state to state.
For further information about you can go through with given below link.
JEE main 2018
A Computer Engineer is someone who would have in depth knowledge about the Hardware systems as well as the Software systems. As they are both dedicated to expertise in the Hardware division while having above average knowledge on Theoretical or Software division of Computers.
Good Luck!