How to calculate percentage in cbse 10th class in 6 subject
To calculate the total percentage in CBSE Class 10 , you have to add the scored marks in all 6 subjects. After that, add the total marks, which is 100, for all 6 subjects.
i.e., X (total marks scored) divided by 600
To get the percentage, you have to multiply 100 with the total marks scored in 6 subjects by the total marks in all 6 subjects,
Percentage = (X/600) x 100
For calculating your percentage of your 10th class.Firstly you should add marks of all the subject, after adding them you have devide the total by 6.Now the number you after this is the percentage of your's.Each subject may have different marks,you have to add marks of each and every subject which you have got and for getting the percentage you have to divide them by 6.You can get your percentage by doing this procedure.