how to make a short notes on a subject and what are the precautions to making a short notes.
Answer (1)
Hello there,
Making short notes for any subject is important as it saves time and can be revised easily. Here are some tips you can follow:
1. Try drawing small diagrams with labelling. Like, you can explain an entire process through a diagram, and it is much easy to remember. You can also draw a schematic diagram.
2. Write down the keywords. Make short questions and write only the keywords as answers. Instead of writing the answer with proper grammar and sentence construction, you can just write the important points that should be remembered.
3. Try making your notes pointwise so that you don't have to search for an answer in a long paragraph.
Hope this answer helps you.
Good luck!!
Making short notes for any subject is important as it saves time and can be revised easily. Here are some tips you can follow:
1. Try drawing small diagrams with labelling. Like, you can explain an entire process through a diagram, and it is much easy to remember. You can also draw a schematic diagram.
2. Write down the keywords. Make short questions and write only the keywords as answers. Instead of writing the answer with proper grammar and sentence construction, you can just write the important points that should be remembered.
3. Try making your notes pointwise so that you don't have to search for an answer in a long paragraph.
Hope this answer helps you.
Good luck!!
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