How to prepare physics for neet to get 130 + in neet I only can do basic mcq and ncert example.i wanna medical government seat.
The Syllabus for Physics Includes:
Physical World and Measurement
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy and Power
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid body
Properties of Bulk Matter
Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory
Oscillation of waves
Current Electricity
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Electromagnetic waves
Dual Nature of matter and radiation
Atoms and nuclei
Electronic devices
Best Books:
NCERT Physics Class XI & Class XII
Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
Objective Physics By DC Pandey
Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
Fundamental Physics by Pradeep
Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
Preparation tips:
Physics needs utmost focus and time because it involves with theoretical concepts and numbers. There should be a systematic approach in preparing for NEET. The important topics are Mechanics, ElectroDynamics, Modern Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves. Formulae form an integral part of your preparation. Memorise as many formulae as you can and write them down and stick them as post its so that you can always see them. Practise regularly and try various kinds of questions. Solving previous papers and mock tests to test your improvement. Keep a clock and check the time its taking you to solve these questions. And improve the time as you practise more. One day of the week should be set aside for revision so as to keep the mind fresh. For reading what the toppers and experts have to say, please visit our page at:
Physics u just need to understand the concept in the question.. once if u get that u can do 30 questions easily
Be thorough with the concepts and basic formulas solve different type of questions so that you will get an idea .. How they'll ask keep practicing atlest 100 questions per day and revision is must u should never leave it .. that's enough easily u can cross 140
Hello aspirant,
Physics is a subject which requires imagination. It depends on your imagination power. As I have already mentioned in one of my answers that Physics is not just a subject, it is a life lesson.
- First of all, I'd suggest you to learn basic mathematics as it is needed in each and every section of physics.
- Don't try to memorise the formulas, just try to derive them once. So even if you don't remember the formula, you'll be able to derive it on the spot. I had applied this method and seriously it helped me a lot because I didn't have to cram up such dangerous formulas.
- Practice Physics daily. This is the need for the subject if you have no idea about this subject ( like I didn't even know the syllabus of physics for NEET.) Don't try to solve each and every MCQ books, as 90% of the questions are almost same in all the basic books. Just prefer one book and make sure to solve its each and every question. If you have finished one book then go through the other but remember the second book should be of higher level.
- Make your theory strong. I repeat again make your theory part strong. Without theory you'd never be able to get the practical knowledge and Physics is all about practical knowledge like how much you can imagine on the given topic. Just make sure to read theory. Either read it out from any standard book like H.C. Verma. or go through such sources which are giving you the correct information. As lot's of coaching classes and teachers over there don't have good knowledge of the subject. They just deliver according to their level, so go through the wonderful notes as it makes your theory part strong and indirectly it'll increase your overall performance.
- Booklist- Regarding books, I had gone through Universal self scorer. Then H.C.Verma., But for NEET I think USS or GRB is sufficient.
- Time management- Well that's the most important part of this answer. You have to maintain speed as well as accuracy. You have to solve each question in one minute. But this speed doesn't come very easily. You have to work hard for it. In my opinion, you should focus on the accuracy first and then hunt for the speed. Because once you know how to solve questions correctly, you'll gain your speed automatically. But again Practice Practice Practice. That's the only thing needed here. Just take a watch and set an alarm and look how many questions you can attempt in 60 mins. This will surely help you.
Best of luck for your preparation.
Hope it helps.
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