How would you rate NIT Durgapur,IIEST Shibpur,Jadavpur University and IIT Kharagpur out of 10?
Hello Pratik, NIT durgapur lacks infrastructural facilities and Jadavpur University lacks hostel facility. IIT Kharagpur has more advantages than all the remaining ones. IIEST shibpur is better for people opting research, placement wise NIT durgapur is better than IIEST but not better than IIT. The atmosphere at Jadavpur University is not so good, IIEST shibpur has good enivorment. So the order of preference is IIT kharagpur > NIT Durgapur > IIEST Shibpur > Jadhav university.
The ratings you asked for would be -
IIT Kharagpur- 9
NIT Durgapur- 8
IIEST Shibpur-7
Jadhav University -6
Hope this helps.
Thank you.