I am a bihar board student not CBSE.so in 10th passing certificate can i use my 10th marksheet because i dont have passing certificate...
Shubham,, few boards do not give passing certificates. Instead, they give 10th marks sheet. Even that is allowed. Just make sure you follow these guidelines:
Uploading of Photograph: Instructions
Must be latest passport picture in a white background with the Name of the candidate and date written on the photograph. The Size must be 50 Kb to 300 Kb and format should be JPG.
The focus has to be on the face with 80% coverage and ears clearly visible.
Uploading of Post Card size photograph: Instructions:
Must be latest post card size picture in a white background with the Name of the candidate and date written on the photograph. The Size must be 10 Kb to 100 Kb and format should be JPG
Uploading of Signature: Instructions
Candidates must sign with a black pen on a white background in JPG format with a file size of 4 Kb to 30 Kb
Uploading of Left hand thumb impression: Instructions:
The file size should be 10kb-50kb in JPG/JPEG format.
Class 10th Passing certificate: Instructions:
File size of 100kb to 400 kb in JPG/JPEG format.