i am doing 2nd yr BSc physics. i am interested to do masters in geology. is it possible thro JAM?
The eligibility criteria of Joint MSc- PhD Geology through IIT JAM offered by IIT-KGP and IIT-BBS is passed having studied geology in all the three years of graduation along with any three amongst mathematics/physics/biological science/chemistry, and along with this it's imperative to have studied mathematics at 10+2 level, if you don't fulfill the above mentioned criteria then you're not eligible for MSc Geology, you should look out for courses that go with your subject combinations/stream at 10+2 or graduation level, to know more details regarding this, visit our page at https://university.careers360.com/articles/jam-eligibility-criteria
Hello Aspirant,
The eligibility criteria for enrolling in MSc applied geology via JAM is as given below
- The candidate must have studied Geology for three years/six semesters along any two of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology as part of their graduation program.
- The candidate should have studied mathematics as a mandatory subject in their 10+2 level education from a recognized board of education.
You can find further information on the eligibility criteria for JAM in the link provided below
Hope this helps and Good luck
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