I am in 11th science now. I am facing many difficulties in learning. Due to this I am in depression pls suggest me a perfect time table,tips
Hi Shreyas,
My Man there is so much in life beyond this. It is good that you realise it. It is okay to be frustrated over these issues. Just hang in there. See there is no point of taking stress you need to take a deep breathe and give in your all. There is nothing like perfect timetable. Do what you find is suitable for you because that way you won't be in conflict with your mind and your performance will definitely improve.
Good Luck !!

Hello there!
Depression has become a serious issue in the life of students, now a days. To get rid of it ,Stay in touch with your friends and family, talk to them and share your feelings with them. Don't withdraw from life. ..Have a routine and follow it , devote some time to Yoga.
Learn to enjoy your studies, you can take 5 minutes break after every 30 minutes during studies to relax your mind and you should take the help of your teachers and talk to them so that they can guide you and help your doubts, try to be frank with them .
The 11th is the starting part of your Science studies. Many students fear of Science and can't learn anything and get into depression. But actually science is very easy just visualise what you have learnt.
If you are good at solving numericals do it when you fell low or exhausted and if you good at theory, learn theory when you are in depression or not able to solve numerical.
A perfect time table for class 11 student is- (I am mentioning only study period else you can settle)
6:00-7:00 AM- Mathematics
7:30-12:30- School (Generally)
2:30-3:30 PM- Revise what you were taught in school
4:00-5:00 PM- School Assignment or any topic you want to learn
9:00-10:00- Any book you want to study.
You can start with this time table but afterwards you fell comfortable with studies start increasing the time duration.
There is nothing to be depressed about.. What is it that is causing you depression? If you are not able to understand the concept then you can join some coaching.. And if you are not interested in science, then you must immediately change your stream.. See you are at your foundation level, if you are getting depressed at this level, then life isn't going to be that easy for you.. You should choose what interest you the most and in which you want to build your career. Also talk about this to your parents and move out and explore.. Don't get isolated. If not your parents then you must talk to some of your teacher.. That might definitely help..
All the best
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