I am in bsc mathematics 1st year, I need to prepare for IIT JAM physics when should i start preparation and How should i do my preperation .
You can prepare for IIT JAM from first year itself in gradual yet consistent manner, however you have to sustain the dedication which can become quite challenging for a lot of students, you can do certain things like getting acquainted with the exam pattern, marking scheme, important topics, syllabus etc, keep a print out of syllabus with yourself, that comes handy during preparation process, the entrance test is conducted for three hours having three sections, there will be a total of 60 questions for 100 marks, visit our page at https://university.careers360.com/articles/jam-exam-pattern to know more details regarding this, you can get acquainted with the syllabus at https://university.careers360.com/articles/jam-syllabus, you have to make a timetable once you get into serious mode based on daily, weekly and monthly schedule, choose appropriate study materials, and keep the options limited, since practice is key towards excellence especially in case of maths, hence this is something which you cannot skip at any point, and make notes pertaining to formulas, tips and tricks etc, this will help you a lot during revision, go through previous year papers at https://university.careers360.com/articles/jam-sample-papers, this will make you acquaint with exam pattern, marking scheme, important topics, weightage etc, and through consistent practice you can analyze your level of preparation and thereby improve your speed, and calculation.
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