I am interested in Medical but not getting Medical seat even after 2 NEET attempts. Shall I join Engineering(CS) in a top college?
Dear Aspirant
Your situation is one of the most common one. From your writing, I am not able to see your interest towards engineering field at all. I would like to suggest you to think hard before taking any step further as even a medical field is not an easy one or infact any other field. With biology, you can not only go for doctor but can also persue your career as a insect ecologist, pharmaceutical researcher, food scientist and many more.
If you still see yourself as a doctor and don't want any future regrets, you should probably start preparing yourself for next year NEET on your own (with very less investment) and pratically speaking, only biology would be not sufficient for NEET, you should plan smartly if its hard to score in physics and chemistry. Atleast try to score minimum of 320 out of 360 in biology and 120 each in physics and chemistry which will make 560 marks for good government college and keep practising previous year question and give mock test regularly after completion of each chapter. I know it would be not easy but you got to do something for your interest.
And may I know your marks and AIRs in NEET 2019 and prior one as it would really help to know more accurate results.
Hope this helps you.
The only way to do something great in life us by following your passion.If you want to be remember then always choose your passion above everything.
Forget everything and ignore every opinion and just do anything to convince your parents and take more year to prepare and give whatever you have to prepare and if you will put on efforts are extreme level then you will definitely achieve whatever you want in life.
I hope this helps.
Hello dear student,
If you still want to pursue in biology only then I would ask you to take admission in plain bsc may be in life sciences or microbiology . So that you can further do your heigher studies in your field and you can do PhD and can still be related to your field. I hope you understand otherwise if there is no chance then you can take admission in engineering too . There are heigher scopes too . You can do bioinformatics and still b related to biology.
I hope this was helpful
Since you are a die hard bio student I don't think you will be able to adjust yourself in engineering ..after all it's not what your heart wants.. I would suggest you to talk to your parents calmly and try to make up to it or else you can even join some bsc course .. btw what's your neet score this year ?
Hello student,
It's really a difficult choice after reading your conditions. But Still if you are interested in biology and if you are a die hard biology student then rather than engineering you can also opt for B.Sc course in Biology and do honours in it or can do biotechnology. You have many options available rather than engineering with CSE branch. In India there are many scopes for other works too. So go for your interest area!
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