I am not able to download my response sheet of NATA exam ? How to download
The Council of Architecture (COA) has released the NATA 2018 response sheet of the entrance exam on May 16. To download the response sheet, candidates have to log-in using their candidate log-in credentials. The answer key of NATA 2018 will be released for all candidates who appeared in the entrance exam shortly. The answer key of NATA 2018 is also expected to be released by some coaching centres. NATA answer key 2018 will allow candidates to check their answers with the ones given by the experts. Following the answer key of NATA 2018, candidates will be able to estimate their scores and calculate their chances of admission in the course and the participating institutes. COA will release the recorded sheets of Part A of the candidates before the publication of NATA 2018 answer key. Candidates will have to login to download their recorded responses and verify answers from NATA answer key 2018 to calculate their marks secured in the exam. The answer key of NATA 2018 will have correct answers written against each question in each section. Candidates will also not be allowed to challenge NATA recorded responses or the answer key if released.
Vist this link https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/nata-answer-key .You will be able to download it.
NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.