I am not getting form of BCECE FOR ON LINE SUBMISSION
Registrations are now open and the candidates will be able to fill the application form of BCECE 2018 till April 2 (11.59 pm).Candidates can make corrections in their application form from April 8 onwards.Only the registered BCECE 2018 candidates will be able to download their admit card from April 15 and appear for the entrance examination that will be held on April 29, 2018.The entrance exam of BCECE 2018 will be held in only 1 stage.
You have only one day left with you to fill it's application form.
Good luck.

Dear Sohakshi!
You can get completer information about BCEC here. Right now the Link of online application is not working, server might be down for some reason. Try sometime later.
I hope it helps.