I am now studying B. Tech Chemical Engg. Am I eligible for pursing my M. Tech or M. S in food engg
I do not think so!!!! . The bachelor's degree in food processing cover subjects such as biochemistry, food microbiology, food marketing and innovation, food and packaging engineering, food formulation technology, food preservation, food chemistry, industrial research techniques, food assessment techniques, and quality and reliability. These are not covered in chemical engineering.
But most of the universities allow chemical engineering graduates to pursue a master degree in food technology.
I hope this would help you. For further queries please feel free to write me down in the comment box.

Yes you can definitely go for food engineering in mtech or MS course. As well as it is a great fit as your chemical engineering has a vital part on food science like food processing and food chemistry. It iz a amazing feild to pursue and has great scope of job opportunities and research.
Hope it helps!!!
You are not eligible for m.tech food engineering.
To do m.tech in food engineering you have to pass be/b.tech from food related areas.
Once again sorry to say but you can't apply for the m.tech in food engineering.
All the best.
Dear Aspirant,
You can definitely pursue MTech. in food engineering. For that, what you need to do is prepare the syllabus of food engineering for the GATE examination and clear the exam. After that, based on your score, you will be able to continue your masters in food engineering.
Good luck!