I am studying 11th and 12th here in Chennai since 2018, my father works in Saudi Arabia, while filling NEET-2020 Application I have selected Indian as my Nationality. Which is better Indian or NRI? Since I have selected Indian, is this possible to change now, so far i have not paid.
Answer (1)
Aman, your Nationality is decided by your citizenship. If you have been in India only for 2 years and you hold citizenship of another country, you will not be considered as Indian National. Please login to the application and make the necessary changes to your Nationality. If you haven't made the payment yet, you will be able to make corrections in the Nationality field.
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Thank you mam, we are indian citizens but my father is working for 25 years. I am not able to change the Nationality. Shall I make another application? Which is better NRI or Indian?