I completed my+2 I belong to OBc NCL catagery I got 97.5 '/. in Sanskrit 97.5'/. in physics 98.6 '/. in maths (we have two papers in math each year that is maths a and maths b) 93 '/.in English 91.2 '/. in chemistry I want to apply for b.sc program through Du counselling in which college I get
see your score is fair and chances for decent colleges. however you must know that every year cutoff score changes and it depends on certain factors like number of applicants, questions difficulty level, seat matrix, students category , choice of stream etc. however it is quite difficult to predict the colleges since the cutoff score can not be same in every year. the cutoff score is calculated by best of 4 subject taking one language subject and any three of the best score subjects.
as per your score you have chances in
acharya narendra dev college
bhagini nivedita college
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences
Dyal Singh College
you may use careers360 college predictor tool to know about your probable college,