i didnt take the printed application form of TS eamcet in which we need to attach our biometry;photo and give it to the invizilator, to the examination hall...will i get my result?? #TSEamcet
Did you get the results?
I appeared for the ts Eamcet exam 2022, the invigilater did not take filled application form, they took only rough work booklet at the end of the exam. Do i get results?
If ts EAMCET examination application form mentioned that you have to attach your biometric signature, photo in this copy and go to the examination hall then you should take the print out copy of application form. Otherwise if you go to the examination hall they can't allow to enter you in examination hall and you don't give the examination. But in this type of mistakes occur some examination centre organised their own problems solve point like they given you the print out copy and take your picture and everything ready in examination hall within some minutes. But it will delay to your examination. So try to read every points in any application form and act accordingly.
All the best.
Invigilator checks your admit card/hall ticket and not your application form. If he/she is asking for it then it must be compulsory. If you have given your exam that means that your result will come in any case. But if the invigilator says no you can't appear for examination then how will your results come out. So, don't worry. If you have appeared for the exam then results will definitely come.
I hope this helps.
Good Luck
The same thing happened to me with my Ap EAMCET (i.e. Eapcet) ..
I didn't took online application form
My passport photo and ofc my finger print on the online application form.
Will my result will be with held or it'll be released!?
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