I discontinued my btech in 3 rd year in 2018.now 2021 I want to take my certificates. but they are asking for 4 th year fees. is it correct. is there any law to take my certificates without giving money. what I have to do?
It may seem rude but the fault here is yours. You should have collected your certificates at the time when you left the college. Actually the law will also work only when the college side will be at fault . What I mean to say is that every college at the time of admission takes your declaration that if you will leave the college in between of course period, then the student side will have to pay certain amount of money. Now the amount of money may vary depending upon the college. So the scenario that you are mentioning couldn't be solved by any such law. But still if you want to take actions, you should contact a lawyer. One more thing that you can do is that you can try to convince the college about why you left and if the situation would seem relatable to the college, then they may waive off some of the money.
Good luck!!