I got 7689 in ts eamcet,i don't have income certificate, can I add it after 1st counselling,(for 2nd counselling) if I got it later??
Hello Siri !!
First of all congratulations for getting such rank in TS EAMCET.
If I go into the context you got a below 10 k rank and if all the certificates are there then you are gonna get full fee reimbursement in whatever college you go. So, the main criteria for government to give fee reimbursement is by knowing the annual income of the candidate's parents.
So, you nee d to surely have income certificate to get fee reimbursement.
The certificate verification is held only once in first phase if you participate in it; incase, you fail to attend first phase you can verify your certificates in second phase too.
But, whenever you verify your certificates you need to have your income certificate so that you can get fee reimbursement.
My conclusion is that only participate in first phase of counselling if you got your income certificate or wait until you get it and participate on second phase( There is a one month gap between first and second phase, So you would easily get it). This will ensure you getting full fee reimbursement.
But, don't participate in first phase counselling without income certificate.
Have a nice day :)