i got 96 out of 200 in NATA 2019 and i am qualified in NATA 2019 can i get admission in this college for persuing my barch
Hello Yazdan,
As per the recent updates the qualifying marks for NATA is :-
- Mathematics-30(out of 120)
- Drawing-20(out of 80)
- Aggregate-70
Now based upon the marks you havce scored you have quaified NATA.But your marks are quite less to get admission in the top insitutes accepting NATA score.There is no specified counselling process conducted by Council of Architecture(COA).Candidates need to fill the counselling forms with the name of the institutes they wish to get admission.But the final admission depends upon the cutoff released by the participating institutes.Other than thescore obtained in NATa the percentage obtained in the 10+2 level is also taken into consideration.
You should apply for the private colleges.It would had been better if you had mentioned your merit score,upon whch the cutoffs are decided by the institutes.Here are the steps by which you can calculate:-
- Divide your NATA score by 2
- Add it to your 10+2 percentage
- Then divide the final result by 2
You get your NATA merit score.You can apply for the following colleges for admission(though the final admission is totally based upon the cutoffs)
- Vadodara Design Academy
- LJ School of Architecture
- Parul Institue of Architecture and Research
- Anant Institute of Architecture
Thank you.
NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.