i got cat rank 170 in sc and cml rank 2340 will i get bsc agriculture course in bis rsa agriculture University Ranchi
If you consider the previous year cutoff and closing marks then there is a very high probability that you will get BSc Agriculture in BIRSA Agriculture University Ranchi
Some highlights about this college -
Agricultural education was first started in Bihar in 1908 with the establishment of Bihar Agricultural College at Sabour in the district of Bhagalpur. Later on, it was realised that the agricultural situation and features of the plateau region of South Bihar is different from the rest of Bihar. Hence there was a need of a second college for this region. Ranchi Agriculture College was established in 1955, Ranchi Veterinary College in 1961 and College of Forestry in 1980. Considering the importance of agricultural education for the agricultural development of the state, the first Agricultural University in Bihar
Admission to different undergraduate programmes is done through bifold procedure. 15% of total seats are filled by a Combined Competitive Entrance Examination conducted by I.C.A.R. V.C.I. at All India level and 85% of the total seats are filled by Jharkhand Combined Competitive Entrance Examination Board, Ranchi. The minimum qualification is Intermediate/10+2 or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology for all undergraduate degree programmes. However, the candidates with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are also eligible for admission into B.Sc. (Ag) and B.Sc. (Forestry). Students are admitted in unreserved and various reserved categories strictly on the basis of merit in the respective category through an entrance examination as per the reservation rules of Jharkhand state. Semester system of education is followed in the University. Each semester consists of approximately 115 working days. The residential requirements for the award of Bachelor’s degree is eight semesters including Rural work Experience in B.Sc. (Ag.) and B.Sc. (Forestry), during the last semester. The residential requirements of B.V.Sc. & A.H. Course is of 10 Semesters. The last Semester consists of 6 month compulsory internship programme.
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