I have 88% in 10th, 75% in 12th and 6.2 cgpa in engineering. What percentile should I get for I'm Ahmedabad ; obc category
Hello yash ,
IIM-A is number 1 B-school in India . And I must tell you that it gives points for class 10,12 and graduation marks .
So, even if you get 99 percentile , You can't assure yourself of a seat in IIM -A.

Hi Yash,
First of all, I must say, u have a great academic profile according to your scores, kudos over that.
But getting into IIM-A as u have specified ain't an easy thing. I mean to say, they take into consideration all the factors, Your Pre Graduation Marks, your CAT score as well as Post CAT rounds that are specific to IIM - A.
IIM - A being the topmost management college in India, a 100 percentile is an easy way to get into the further rounds of IIM. But sometimes it is not really possible to get a 100, so your score should be at least 97, to get a call from IIM-A.
The marks that you specified would be a part of the evaluation and not the only criteria.
You can check over the internet about the cut-offs: IIM Ahmedabad Cutoff
Also, start preparing for the CAT as getting 100 in CAT needs a lot of practice and dedication.
All the very best.
Best wishes to you.
Hi Yash
Please check the CAT Cutoff of IIM Ahmedabad by clicking here - IIM Ahmedabad Cutoff
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