I have a problem of procrastinate studies and I am unable start my study and unable to concentrate on studies
Hello Abhishek,
People procrastinate for various reasons but amongst them, the most common is that deep inside they don’t have a sense of urgency, they think that they can do it tomorrow or do it later.
So, it is important that you know why you are doing whatever you are doing and keep reminding that to yourself, again and again, every single day.
Constantly scare yourself with the consequences that you might face if you don't get the work done on time.
Some of the most useful tips to get over the laziness are as follows -
1) First off, see what’s distracting you. Let’s say, instead of studying, you're watching a video online, then imagine your head still has the pressure of completing the homework and also the guilt for not doing it. What you can rather do is just study first and then you will have all the time to watch all the videos you want to. Once your task is done, the distraction will feel like a reward.
2) You should also set a deadline for effective learning. Because this deadline will work as an inspiration for you to working smarter and faster. But also be sure to set deadlines that are realistically possible for you.
3)Take breaks. But pay full concentration when studying anything. Stop watching TV or mobile phone but instead, go out take a walk when bored. Try wasting minimum time. Write down your goals and stick it on the wall it will give you the motivation that you need. Study motivational books.
Now, for lack of concentration you can do the following -
1) Take a paper and write down what you want to study for that day. Say a chapter or two. This takes only a few minutes. So, get your books and keep them at your study place and tell yourself that you are going to start.
2) Read for 30 minutes and take a 5-minute break afterward but don't extend the 5-minute break. Do this a few times and slowly keep increasing the study time from 30 to 40 up to 60 minutes if you can.
3) Make notes when you feel sleepy. It's not as mentally exhausting as trying to learn something by heart, and it also helps you prepare a resource for revision.
4) Track your performance every single day and write it down in a diary.
5) Have healthy food and try to devote at least 15 minutes for doing some exercises, stretches or meditation. Meditation is proven to increase one's concentration power so if you can do that it will be extremely beneficial.
Most importantly, learn to value yourself. Make more informed choices, make right decisions, make best of yourself. I mean, you know yourself when you’re going wrong.
Good luck!

Hi Abhishek Singh,
Here are few tips to concentrate on studies:
i) Start with subject you good at.
ii) Do not study for too long,take break in between.
iii) Do some exercises,do some jogging or just go for a walk.
iv) Limit the use of electronic devices(smartphones,tv). I said limit not totally quit since its very difficult to avoid them completly.
v) Make a timetable, try to study various subject in a day. (eg English in Morning,Physics in afternoon,Chemistry in Evening,Biology at night)
vi) Keep yourself busy, the number one reason for procrastination is when you have plenty of free time in your hand.
vii) Eat healthy,avoid junk food as they make you lazy.
It's not a problem,sometimes procrastination comes from laziness, however listed below are the small steps you can take to avoid this habit of yours:
◼ Pick a few important tasks that you can commit to.
Don't try to tackle everything all at once.
◼Pick deadlines for these items.
For each of the three to five items on your list, pick a date by which you can have it done. These deadlines should not require you to pull an all-nighter, or work through every weekend.
◼Set new deadlines for your updated tasks, including those that didn't get done last time. Once again, these should be realistic deadlines
◼ Keep away from your phone, iPad, even computer. Don’t say phone, ipad and computer are useful while you study. I know they are powerful, but you can’t control yourself not to browse FB YouTube Twitter instagram and so many other platform.
◼Take action. It’s now or never. If you want to achieve something, just do it. The best time to start something is now.
Hope this helps you.
Thank you.