I have completed masters' in commerce (M.Com) what shall I do next for better future?
The Master of Commerce usually comprises of 2 years . The program is generally focused on different disciplines like accounting, actuarial science, business management, corporate governance, human resource management, economics, statistics, finance, marketing or supply chain management. There are many more career options present for you in the field of finance as well. Here is the list of finance course that you can pursue for a better career.
Eligibility Criteria:
Masters degree with 55% aggregate marks in a relevant discipline or Chartered Accountancy course
In M Com, students are given a choice to major in any of the given specializations. Students who wants to go for further studies or courses like in research or doctorate level can get a bonus with this course. Many Companies and organizations in todays life are looking for specialized and expert marketers to get higher profit in a smarter way. Here are some Courses in marketing that you can pursue to start a career in marketing.
Other sectors where a M Com graduate can seek jobs include:
Banking and finance
Electronic marketing
Funds management
Management consulting
Stock Broking
In addition to this, students of M Com can even apply for jobs within the Govt. sector. UPSC is a major recruiter of M Com students, providing a good post and package.
Some of the most effective institutes from where students can study for M Com
Delhi University
Lovely Professional University, Punjab
Christ University
Higher Studies Options after M Com
After completing M.Com candidates can go for various courses .
PHd Degree
The higher academic degree is awarded for research work of the candidate, demonstrating original contributions of special excellence in some branch of commerce and management.
The Doctor of Philosophy can be done in Commerce and management.
Some of the most effective Top Universities in India
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
University of Calcutta
SASTRA University, Thanjavur
Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam
Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar
Christ University
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi
Delhi University
Lovely Professional University, Punjab
Christ University

Hello dear,
The sectors where mcom graduate can seek jobs include:
- Banking and finance
- Auditing
- Stock broking
- Funds management
- Management consulting.
Higher study options after mcom
- Doctorate degree
- International finance reporting standards
- Certificate course in banking, stock market, derivatives, income tax
- CS
- Master of philosophy
I would suggest you to make a choice based on your interest.
All the best!
you can go for phd if you have any sort of interest in research field or to see your career as a professor. Start preparing for UGC NET because for being a professor its mandatory to clear the NET and a doctorate degree.
You can also go for government jobs like banks, ssc and related.
More, If you like to be an independent, you can either try in coaching institutes or MNC’s for backend profile.