I have opted science in +2 . Which course shud I take to pursue IAS in future????
I think you do not need a coaching seriously, if you watch my videos on my free you yube channel
"Brain train programme for upsc"
and read full posts of my FB
shikhar IAS infocentre
Remember my formula of success
S syllabus
B books
B back year papers
N notes
R revision
no need to cram or any absurd hostile formulae
No shortcuts in UPSC
No one can tell you formulae and shortcuts of success.never believe on any ones review.judge so many things your self as opinions are biased always.watch my videos on you tube ,subscribe brain train programme for upscsend request to my Fb shikhar ias infocentre
I run a coaching but I do not suggest you to go for any coahing .trust your intellect.you can do and you will do.
Hope you understand,
Thank you
Hi Deeksha,
You should study hard in your plus 2 and try to get above 95% . In this way, you will secure a good college in DU . After that in DU opt the B.A(Hons.) in the subject of your choice, however, I would suggest Economic Hons. While doing your graduation you must join some good coaching and then continue your journey to IAS. The reason for suggesting Economic Hons. is that economics is the most sought after course in the country and country need more Economists, and hence it will be quite helpful for you in your future endeavors and will also easy for you to prepare for Mains with a subject like economics.
Also studying in Delhi will be quite helpful for you as you can join any coaching and there are too many good coachings in Delhi. But for now, your concentration should be on your +2 and getting good marks in your +2 i.e., at least above 95%.
Comment your doubts if any.
Dear candidate,
It does not depends upon which course you choose. Minimum qualification for IAS is graduation only whether you opt something related to Arts, Commerce or Science. It depends upon how you can manage to pursue both the things side by side.
Some of my friends were from science background but they are pursuing political science hons because it helps a lot in upsc.
You are free to choose any course, as IAS requires to study mainly general studies such as history, polity, geography, etc and the detailed study of optional subject you choose.
You can even opt for the course which is related to the optional subject you’ll choose for UPSC because it would be helpful to you during your preparation.
Graduation marks will not matter much, just focus mainly on your preparation.
I hope this helps
There are many examples of people who clear this exams like Roman Saini, who clear IAS in very early age is an alumni of AIIMS DELHI and 2nd topper of IAS 2015 ATHAR AMIR KHAN is alumin of IIT Mandi and did his BTech in electrical engineering.
That's why you can choose any course.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
All the best for your future and may you achieve your dreams.
If your aim is ias, then opting for a humanities subject would be much better, that is subjects like political science, history, sociology or economics. These subjects have more overlap with the GS papers and would help you in your optional too. But if your choice is mbbs or Bsc or engineering, then better go for Bsc itself.
Good luck
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