I scored 86.9 percentile in tancet 2020( Aerospace engineering stream) will I get Aerospace in MIT. pls answer
There is high possibility to get as your score is eligible for 1st tier college. Branch stream is assigned as per your UG degree stream. to get MTech in Aerospace, you have to be Btech/BE aerospace graduate. you can't opt for any other degree specialization stream.
You should apply for the college option. as of current situation and delayed process of education, it will effect a lot to the whole process structure and it may not be same as it is used to be. So this is going to be new so there can be change in cutoff. Do apply and give one college option as security. Look out for government college option too. You will get one easily on the basis of your score.
Hope it helps!
I took BE from the same Aerospace engineering branch.