I want applied for UPSC IAS CDS AFCAT BANK PO.But In my graduation Btech 1st 2nd sem RE.Can i eligible for it.Whats effect in govt job exams
It seems like you are bit confuse about all these examinations. In order to write these examinations you need to be a graduate first. If you have completed your Btech then you are eligible to write IAS, CDS, Bank p.o. exam.
In your question you have stated first and second semester only so I reckon you are in your third semester so you need to get your Btech degree first so focus on that first. There is a minimum percentage criteria in all government exams for different category so I would request to you to secure minimum percentage required to write all these examinations.
I wish you all the best !!
Cheers !!
Hi Vivek.
I clearly don't understand your question. I guess you mean you have back papers in S1 and S2. It won't have an effect in govt. job application. For exams requiring UG degree, you should've completed degree or should be in final year, and all your back papers cleared. So, if you haev cleared your papers, you can write these tests.
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