Hello Dear Student,
UPSC CSE Prelims consist of 2 Question Papers:
Paper 1: General Studies (GS), 100 Questions: 200 Marks.
Paper 2: CSAT, 80 Questions: 200 Marks.
Both papers have negative marks for wrong answers marked to the tune of 1/3rd of the total marks assigned to that question.
Subjects in Paper 1 (GS): Indian Polity, Geography, History, Indian Economy, Science and Technology, Environment and Ecology, International Relations and Current Affairs.
Syllabus for CSAT Paper 2: Reading Comprehension, logical reasoning and analytical ability, decision making and problem solving, Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders and magnitude), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency) Etc.
Recommended Books for GS Paper 1:
History: NCERT 9th Class (Ancient and Medieval), NCERT 12th Class (Modern Indian History), India's struggle for independence by Bipin Chandra, Modern India History by Spectrum.
Geography: Indian Geography by Majid Hussain, G.C Leong Certificate in Physical Geography, NCERT 6th to 12th, World Atlas.
Polity: Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth, Constitution at Work NCERT Class 11th, Political Theory NCERT Class 11th.
Economics: Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, NCERT Class 11th & 12th. Or you can also use Indian Economy by Sri Ram IAS.
International Relations: International Relations by Pavneet Singh.
Art & Culture: Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania.
Environment: Environment by Shankar IAS and Environment and Ecology by Vaishali Anand.
Current Affairs: The Hindu Newspaper or The Indian Express and Vision IAS Monthly Current Affairs Magazine or Vajiram and Ravi Monthly Recitals or Rau's IAS Monthly Current Affairs Magazine. Newspaper will also Help you in Science and Technology portion and environment section.
Recommended Books for CSAT Paper 2:
Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S Aggrawal, TataMcGraw hill CSAT Manual, Old CSAT Question Papers.
Must Solve UPSC CSE Prelims Old Question Papers Book by Disha Publications or Arihant Publications for better practice.
All the Best
Here is a list of all essential books for IAS-
Ancient History
‘Ancient India’ by RS Sharma (Old NCERT)
World Geography
1.Fundamentals of Human Geography (NCERT)
2.Certificate Physical And Human Geography
Medieval History
History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra (Old NCERT)
1.India People and Economy (NCERT)
2.Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Modern History
1.A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir
2.World History by Norman Lowe
3.‘Concise History of Modern India’ by Sujata Menon
Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
Indian Culture
1.‘Facets of Indian Culture’ by Spectrum
2.Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
3.CCRT website
Current Affairs
The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB, Jagran Josh
Physical Geography
Certificate Physical And Human Geography
Science & Tech
1.Daily Newspapers
ISRO website
Indian Geography
India: Physical Environment (NCERT)
Environment & Ecology
1.Recent Events on Climate change through Newspapers
2.NIOS Study Materials
These are some of the neccessary books for UPSE preparation, and by thoroughly studying them, it will help you a great deal in your IAS journey.
All the best!
Dear Aspirant,
The best IAS books can vary from candidate to candidate depending on their previous expertise and knowledge of the subject matter. Choosing the right books will be very beneficial for ypu.
However, the books for UPSC recommended by experts are listed in this article subject-wise.
History :
Geography :
Indian polity :
Economics :
Internationl relations :
Hope it helps.
UPSC is a 3 stage selection process involving Prelims, Mains and Interview which tests your personality test. Prelims has 2 Papers namely General Studies and CSAT.
General Studies has Current Events, History of India and Indian National Movement, Indian and World Geography, Indian Polity and Governance, Economic and Social Development, Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change and General Science.
CSAT has Comprehension, Interpersonal skills including communication skills, Logical Reasoning and Analytical ability, Decision making and problem solving, General Mental Ability, Basic numeracy and Data Interpretation.
You will need atleast to start preparing ahead of 1- 2 years. If you are preparing at home, you need to keep yourself away from distractions and focus on the goal ahead. Gather as much as information as you can on each topic and keep yourself updated. Practise mock test papers.
Indian Polity for Civil Services bby M. Laxmikanth
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Gog Cheng Leong
Oxford School Atlas by Oxford Publishers
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Economic Survey by Ministry of Finance
India Year Book
A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir
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